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Diablo 2 White Ring

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Twitch - Xtimus 'X' Line Shirts and Hoodies. Discord Community Invite: https://discord. Apr 08, 2008 does anyone remember the old hacks, like Hex charm, white ring, and strength gloves? The reason i started this thread is because when i get on d2 someone called me a noob, i asked him what patch he started on, he said, since the begining. I then asked him if he knew what those hacks were, and he left. But i hated those hacks, because thats all people wanted, you could never trade anything. A wide selection of legit D2 White on sale to boost build and skills at cheapest Diablo 2 item shop.

  1. Diablo 2 White Ring Earrings
  2. Diablo 2 White Ring Binders

Character Names
Character names must be between 2 and 15 characters long. Characters names can only use upper and lower case letters (A-Z). Names can contain either one dash ( - ) or one underscore ( _ ), as long as it is not the first or last character of the name. Spaces and numbers are not allowed in Diablo II character names.

  • Twitch - Xtimus 'X' Line Shirts and Hoodies. Discord Community Invite: https://discord.
  • The Diablo 2 Necromancer is a mage with strong summoning abilities. He utilizes his curses to weaken his enemies and control the battlefield. The master of the ‘Dark Arts' is able to resurrect fallen enemies, forcing them to serve him.

Character Level, Experience, and Allocating Stats and Skill Points
When your character earns enough experience points to gain another level, the 'New Stats' and 'New Skill' buttons will appear at the bottom left and right corners of the screen in 640x480 resolution. In 800x600 resolution the buttons will appear on the interface bar. Wait until you're somewhere safe, then click on the buttons to bring up the Character Attributes and Skill Tree screens and allocate your points.

Each time you gain a level, you receive 5 attribute points to distribute among your 4 attributes: Strength, which affects damage; Dexterity, which affects the ability to hit and avoid attacks; Vitality, which affects life; and Energy, which affects mana. Click on the '+' button next to an attribute to increase that attribute.

Each time you gain a level, you can add 1 point to a skill. You can only choose from skills whose level requirements and prerequisites have been met. Click on all three tabs and move your cursor over the available skills (listed in white) to review their detailed effects before you make your decision.

See the experience required for each level here.

What Happens When Your Character Dies?
In Diablo II, as in real life, death is something you should strive to avoid. If your Hit Points drop to zero during the game, you have died.

If you are killed, your character will lose a percentage of the total gold both carried and stored in the Stash. This percentage is equal to your character's level but will not exceed 20%. After this 'death penalty' is deducted, the rest of the gold your character was carrying falls to the ground in a pile. If the penalty exceeds the amount of gold you were carrying, the remainder of the penalty is deducted from your Stash. In Single Player, dying will not take away all your gold. No gold is lost from your Stash, and 500 gold per character level is exempt from the death penalty. For example, if a 10th level Single-Player character with 5,000 gold dies, he will lose no gold.

As an additional death penalty, your character will lose some experience if he dies while in Nightmare or Hell difficulties. You will lose 5% of the experience required to attain the next level on Nightmare and 10% on Hell, but you will never drop down to a lower level. In games of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, if you recover your corpse at the location of its demise, you can regain 75% of the experience points you lost. If, however, you choose to 'Save and Exit' out of your current game in order to restart and recover your body in town, you will not regain any of your lost experience. Nightmare and Hell Difficulty players should ask themselves whether they want to risk losing more experience by attempting to recover their body to regain 75% of their experience. If you die several more times you'll end up losing more experience than you gain by recovering your body. Sometimes it is safer to leave the game to recover your corpse giving up the experience you might have regained by recovering your corpse.

Press the Esc key after dying to restart in town. Your corpse will remain in the place where you died. You will have to return to your corpse in order to retrieve your equipment. When you find your corpse, left-click on it to pick up and re-equip your items (hint: when you are near your corpse, it will appear as a purple 'X' on your Automap). Make sure you have room in your inventory to pick up all the items on your corpse, though -- if you don't, any items you can't hold will remain on your old corpse. Be sure to collect any gold you might have dropped when you died, too.

If your character has no corpse when he dies, one will be created, and your equipped items will remain on that corpse. If your character already has a corpse, another corpse (up to a maximum of 16) will be created and your most recently equipped items will remain with the new corpse. Be careful about equipping valuable equipment when you already have a corpse out in the field, if you exit a realm game with more than one corpse on the ground, only the corpse having the most valuable equipment (gold equivalent value) will be saved. Also, if you die and you already have 16 corpses, your items will fall to the ground, and anyone can take them. Unequipped items, however, will always remain in your inventory.

When you find your corpse, click on it to take all of its equipped items. Only you (and anyone you permit) can loot your corpse.

After re-equipping your items, you might want to confirm that you are using your weapon of choice, and not your 'backup' equipment or some item you accidentally picked up from the area surrounding your corpse.

If you exit a game without retrieving your corpse, one will be placed in town in the next game you create or join.

Diablo 2 White Ring Earrings

NOTE: A 'Hardcore' character cannot be reincarnated if it dies -- you will simply return to chat as a ghost. Hardcore characters cannot create or join games once they have died.

Multiple Corpses/Losing Items!
A player may have up to 16 corpses.

Realm Characters: The corpse with the most gold value (in items) will be saved between games. So keep this in mind when putting on equipment to recover your corpse. Your original body with your equipment should save unless you manage to equip yourself with a greater value of equipment, die, then leave the game.

Open Characters: Only your oldest corpse is saved between games. Make sure you go back and recover your original body with your equipment before leaving the game.

Warning on recovering your corpse
If you needed +Strength or +Dexterity items to equip other weapons or pieces of armor, you may have to re-equip these items manually. When you click on your corpse, the game attempts to re-equip your items to where they were before your death, but this depends largely on the order in which your items are picked up. For example, armor that requires more than your base Strength will not be equipped if the game attempts to place it before placing the item that increased your Strength enough to wear the armor. In this case, the armor will return to your inventory; if you do not have enough room, it will remain on the corpse. Check your inventory and make sure that all of your items have been re-equipped correctly.

Body Count
Having Difficulty recovering your corpse?
If you can't find your corpse, or if it's too dangerous to retrieve it with your current equipment, simply exit and re-enter the game. Your corpse, and all of its items, will appear near your starting point in town. The only drawback is that you will lose any gold your character dropped when he died and you will give up the chance to regain 75% of your lost experience on Nightmare and Hell Difficulty. This is a good option for Nightmare and Hell difficulties, in which death results in lost experience. The corpse will appear at your starting point, typically near the point where Town Portals appear in town: In Lut Gholein, this area is at the bottom right of town. In Kurast, it is next to Meshif. You should be able to find your corpse easily if you explore the town.

Character Saving/Loading and Corpses
Periodically, will automatically save every character playing in every Diablo II game. Your character will also be saved when you choose 'Save and Exit Game' from the 'Esc' menu. If you die and leave a game without retrieving your corpse, it will be placed in town at the beginning of the next game you join or start.

The character save data includes character Attributes, inventory, Skills, Skill hot keys, control configuration, Waypoints activated, the character's corpse (if one exists), the list of completed Quests, and the contents of the character's Stash.

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Unique jewelry can be gambled in Diablo II, except in patch versions 1.07 and 1.08. Different unique rings were added in various patches, as sorted below.

Ring graphics are randomly selected, and do not tie to any particular ring. There are lots more ring graphics found on the game CD, and it's unknown why Blizzard never enabled more of them, or gave any of the unique rings unique artwork.

  • 2Unique Rings
  • 3Unique Rings in D2X Only

Unique Ring Odds[edit]

These apply to v1.10+. Prior to v1.07 in D2C, the three unique rings dropped in a set order. See below for more details.

Unique Rings Qlvl Rarity
Nagelring 10 15
Manald Heal 20 15
Stone of Jordan 39 1
Dwarft Star 53 10
Raven Frost 53 10
Bul Kathos' Wedding Band 66 1
Carrion Wind 68 3
Nature's Peace 77 3
Wisp Projector 84 1
Total: 84+ 59
  • The 'Rarity' odds assume that the monster dropping the ring is capable of dropping every unique ring in the game. Hence, if a monster able to drop the Wisp Projector unique ring, there is a 1/59 chance it will be the Wisp Projector.
  • If the monster's Mlvl isn't high enough to drop some of the rings, the rarity odds change accordingly. For example, an Mlvl 40 monster could only drop the first three rings, so it would have a 15/31 chance to drop Naglering, 15/31 to drop Manald Heal, and 1/31 to drop the Stone of Jordan, vs. the 1/59 chance that a unique ring from an Mlvl 84+ monster will be an SoJ. This is why it's best to hunt for some items (such as the Stone of Jordan) on lower area levels.

Unique Rings[edit]

Rings found in D2C and D2X.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Nagelring * D2C Rarity: 483.9/1000
D2X Rarity: 283/1000
Item level: 10
Clvl req: 7
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage Of 3
+50-75 to Attack Rating
+15-30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Manald Heal * D2C Rarity: 483.9/1000
D2X Rarity: 283/1000
Item level: 20
Clvl req: 15
+4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
+20 to Life
+20% Mana Regeneration Rate
Stone of Jordan D2C Rarity: 32.3/1000
D2X Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 39
Clvl req: 29
+20 Mana
+25% Maximum Mana
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+1 to All Skills

1.08 Statistics[edit]

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Nagelring: Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 2, Attacker Takes Damage Of 3, +15% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
  • Manald Heal: +4% Mana Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +5, +20 to Life

Unique Rings in D2X Only[edit]

Rings found in D2X only, v1.07+.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Dwarf Star * Rarity: 188.7/1000
Item level: 53
Clvl req: 45
+100% Extra Gold From Monsters
+40 to Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
+40 to Life
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 12-15
15% Fire Absorb
Raven Frost * Rarity: 188.7/1000
Item level: 53
Clvl req: 45
Adds 15-45 Cold Damage, 4 seconds cold length
Cannot be Frozen
20% Cold Absorb
+15-20 to Dexterity
+150-250 to Attack Rating
+40 to Mana
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band * Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 66
Clvl req: 58
+0.5 Life per Clvl
+1 to All Skills
+3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 Stamina
The Constricting Ring
Not Enabled. **
Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 95
Clvl req: 95
All Resistances +100
+15% Maximum Resistance To All
-30 Life Drain (-2.93 life/sec)
+100% Better chance of getting magical item

** The Contricting Ring is not and never has been droppable. We have it listed on our Unique Rings page, and the ring's full stats are listed in the game files, but it has a 0, instead of a 1, in the 'completed' column in uniqueitems.txt, the actual game file that sets the properties on Unique items, which makes it undroppable.

1.08 Statistics[edit]


Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Dwarf Star: +70% Extra Gold From Monsters, +25 to Maximum Stamina, Heal Stamina Plus 15%, +40 to Life, Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 15
  • Raven Frost: 4% Chance To Cast Slvl 5 Frost Nova When Struck, Cannot Be Frozen, Adds 15-25 Cold Damage, Cold Resist +35%
  • Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band: +20 To Life, +1 to All Skills, +4% Life Stolen Per Hit, +50 Stamina

v1.10 and Later[edit]

Unique rings found in D2X, v1.10+.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Carrion Wind Item level: 68
Clvl req: 60
+100-160 Defense vs. Missiles
6-9% Life stolen per hit
Poison Resist +55%
10% Chance to cast level 10 Poison Nova when struck
Level 21 Poison Creeper (15 Charges)
8% Chance to cast level 13 Twister on striking
+10% of damage taken goes to mana
Nature's PeaceLadder Only
Item level: 77
Clvl req: 69
Prevent Monster Heal
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace [can't be resurrected/raised/exploded]
Damage Reduced by 7-11
Poison Resist +20-30%
Level 5 Oak Sage (27 Charges)
Wisp Projector Item level: 84
Clvl req: 76
Lightning Absorb 10-20%
10% Chance to cast level 16 Lightning on striking
10-20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 2 Oak Sage (15 Charges)
Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (13 Charges)
Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (11 Charges)

Ring Generation Order in D2C[edit]

In D2C, prior to v1.07, the game always dropped the three unique rings in a preset order:

  • Nagelring > Manald Heal > Stone of Jordan

This meant that if the game generated a Unique ring, from a monster drop or gambling, it would always be a Nagelring, if there was not already a Nagelring in that game (previously dropped or possessed by one of the character). If there was a Nagelring, then a Manald Heal would drop. If both, then a Stone of Jordan would drop. If all three, then the ring would spawn rare instead of unique.

This was easily exploited, and characters soon learned to carry a Manald Heal and Nagelring in their stash, so any new unique rings would drop as the very valuable Stone of Jordan.

Diablo II ItemsItems BasicsUnique Armor IUnique Armor IIUnique Weapons IUnique Weapons IIUnique Weapons IIIUnique Class ItemsItem SetsRunewords
Base Armors and Weapons [e] Runes Socketables Miscellaneous Items Info

• Belts
• Body Armor
• Boots
• Gloves
• Helms
• Circlets
• Shields
• Amulets
• Rings

• Axes
• Bows
• Crossbows
• Daggers
• Javelins
• Maces
• Polearms
• Scepters
• Spears
• Staves
• Swords
• Throwing
• Wands

Class Items
• Ama Weapons
• Asn Claws
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms
• Necro Totems
• Pal Shields
• Sorc Orbs

• Rune list
• Rune FAQ
• Rune hunting
• Runewords

• Modifiers
• Sockets

• Amethyst
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Ruby
• Sapphire
• Topaz
• Skull

Horadric Cube
• Cube Recipes

Crafted Items
• Blood Recipes
• Caster Recipes
• Hitpower Recipes
• Safety Recipes

• Charms Affixes
• Charms Guide

• Item Generation Tutorial
• Treasure Classes
• Magic Find
• Gold Find

• Prefixes
• Suffixes
• Special Modifiers

• Gambling
• Quest Items
• Experience
• Potions
• Books & Scrolls

• El
• Eld
• Tir
• Nef
• Eth
• Ith
• Tal
• Ral
• Ort
• Thul
• Amn

• Sol
• Shael
• Dol
• Hel
• Io
• Lum
• Ko
• Fal
• Lem
• Pul
• Um

• Mal
• Ist
• Gul
• Vex
• Ohm
• Lo
• Sur
• Ber
• Jah
• Cham
• Zod

Belts [e] Body Armor Gloves Helms

All Unique Belts
• Lenymo
• Snakecord
• Nightsmoke
• Goldwrap
• Bladebuckle

• String of Ears
• Razortail
• Gloom's Trap
• Snowclash
• Thundergod's Vigor

• Arachnid Mesh
• Nosferatu's Coil
• Verdungo's Hearty Cord

All Unique Armor
• Greyform
• Blinkbat's Form
• The Centurion
• Twitchthroe
• Darkglow
• Hawkmail
• Venom Ward
• Sparking Mail
• Iceblink
• Heavenly Garb
• Rockfleece
• Boneflesh
• Rattlecage
• Goldskin
• Silks of the Victor

• The Spirit Shroud
• Skin of the Vipermagi
• Skin of the Flayed One
• Iron Pelt
• Crow Caw
• Spirit Forge
• Duriel's Shell
• Shaftstop
• Skullder's Ire
• Que-Hegan's Wisdom
• Toothrow
• Guardian Angel
• Atma's Wail
• Black Hades
• Corpsemourn

• Ormus' Robes
• The Gladiator's Bane
• Arkaine's Valor
• Leviathan (L)
• Steel Carapace
• Templar's Might (L)
• Tyrael's Might (L)

All Unique Gloves
• The Hand of Broc
• Bloodfist
• Chance Guards
• Magefist
• Frostburn

• Venom Grip
• Gravepalm
• Ghoulhide
• Lava Gout
• Hellmouth

• Dracul's Grasp
• Soul Drainer
• Steelrend

All Unique Helms
• Biggin's Bonnet
• Tarnhelm
• Coif of Glory
• Duskdeep
• Wormskull
• Howltusk
• Undead Crown
• The Face of Horror

• Peasant Crown
• Rockstopper
• Stealskull
• Darksight Helm
• Vampire Gaze
• Valkyrie Wing
• Crown of Thieves
• Blackhorn's Face

• Andariel's Visage (L)
• Crown of Ages
• Giant Skull
• Harlequin Crest
• Nightwing's Veil
• Steelshade
• Veil of Steel

• Kira's Guardian (L)
• Griffon's Eye (L)

Class Helms:
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Boots [e] Amulets Rings Shields Miscellaneous

All Unique Boots
• Hotspur
• Gorefoot
• Treads of Cthon
• Goblin Toe
• Tearhaunch

• Infernostride
• Waterwalk
• Silkweave
• War Traveler
• Gore Rider

• Marrowwalk
• Merman's Sprocket
• Sandstorm Trek
• Shadow Dancer (L)

All Unique Amulets
• Nokozan Relic
• The Eye of Etlich
• The Mahim-Oak Curio
• Saracen's Chance
• The Cat's Eye
• The Rising Sun
• Crescent Moon
• Atma's Scarab
• Highlord's Wrath
• Mara's Kaleidoscope
• Seraph's Hymn (L)
• Metalgrid (L)

All Unique Rings
• Nagelring
• Manald Heal
• Stone of Jordan
• Dwarf Star
• Raven Frost
• Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
• Carrion Wind
• Nature's Peace (L)
• Wisp Projector

All Unique Shields
• Pelta Lunata
• Umbral Disk
• Stormguild
• Swordback Hold
• Steelclash
• Wall of the Eyeless
• Bverrit Keep
• The Ward

• Viscerataunt
• Moser's Blessed Circle
• Stormchaser
• Lance Guard
• Tiamat's Rebuke
• Lidless Wall
• Gerke's Sanctuary
• Radament's Sphere

• Blackoak Shield
• Stormshield
• Head Hunter's Glory
• Medusa's Gaze
• Spike Thorn
• Spirit Ward

Class Shields:
• Unique Paladin Shields
• Unique Necro Totems

• Rainbow Facets

All Unique Charms
• Annihilus
• Gheed's Fortune
• Hellfire Torch

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.
Diablo 2 white ring

Diablo 2 White Ring Binders

Axes [e] Bows Crossbows Daggers Polearms

All Unique Axes
Normal, one-handed:
• The Gnasher
• Deathspade
• Bladebone
• Skull Splitter
• Rakescar

Exceptional, one-handed:
• Coldkill
• Butcher's Pupil
• Islestrike
• Pompeii's Wrath
• Guardian Naga

Elite, one-handed:
• Cranebeak
• Death Cleaver (L)
• Razor's Edge
• Rune Master (L)

Normal, two-handed:
• Axe of Fechmar
• Goreshovel
• The Chieftain
• Brainhew
• Humongous

Exceptional, two-handed:
• Warlord's Trust
• Spellsteel
• Stormrider
• Boneslayer Blade
• The Minotaur

Elite, two-handed:
• Ethereal Edge
• Executioner's Justice (L)
• Frostwind
• Hellslayer
• Messerschmidt's Reaver

All Unique Bows
• Pluckeye
• Witherstring
• Raven's Claw
• Rogue's Bow
• Stormstrike
• Wizendraw
• Hellclap
• Blastbark

• Skystrike
• Riphook
• Kuko Shakaku
• Endlesshail
• Witchwild String
• Cliffkiller
• Magewrath
• Goldstrike Arch

• Widowmaker (L)
• Eaglehorn
• Windforce

• Amazon Bows

All Unique Crossbows
• Leadcrow
• Ichorsting
• Hellcast
• Doomslinger

• Langer Briser
• Pus Spitter
• Buriza-Do Kyanon
• Demon Machine

• Gut Siphon
• Hellrack

All Unique Daggers
• Gull
• The Diggler
• The Jade Tan Do
• Spectral Shard

• Spineripper
• Heart Carver
• Blackbog's Sharp
• Stormspike

• Fleshripper
• Ghostflame
• Wizardspike

All Unique Polearms
• Dimoak's Hew
• Steelgoad
• Soul Harvest
• The Battlebranch
• Woestave
• The Grim Reaper

• The Meat Scraper
• Blackleach Blade
• Athena's Wrath
• Pierre Tombale Couant
• Husoldal Evo
• Grim's Burning Dead

• Bonehew
• The Reaper's Toll (L)
• Tomb Reaver (L)
• Stormspire

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Scepters [e] Spears Staves Throwing Weapons Wands

All Unique Scepters
• Knell Striker
• Rusthandle
• Stormeye

• Zakarum's Hand
• The Fetid Sprinkler
• Hand of Blessed Light

• Astreon's Iron Ward
• Heaven's Light (L)
• The Redeemer

All Unique Spears
• The Dragon Chang
• Razortine
• Bloodthief
• Lance of Yaggai
• The Tannr Gorerod

• The Impaler
• Kelpie Snare
• Soulfeast Tine
• Hone Sundan
• Spire of Honor

• Arioc's Needle
• Steel Pillar
• Viperfork

• Amazon Spears

All Unique Staves
• Bane Ash
• Serpent Lord
• Spire of Lazarus
• The Salamander
• The Iron Jang Bong

• Razorswitch
• Ribcracker
• Chromatic Ire
• Warpspear
• Skull Collector

• Mang Song's Lesson (L)
• Ondal's Wisdom

All Unique Throwing Weapons
• Deathbit
• The Scalper

• Gimmershred
• Lacerator
• Warshrike (L)

All Unique Javelins
• Demon's Arch
• Wraith Flight (L)
• Gargoyle's Bite

• Amazon Javelins

All Unique Wands
• Torch of Iro
• Maelstrom
• Gravenspine
• Ume's Lament

• Suicide Branch
• Carin Shard
• Arm of King Leoric
• Blackhand Key

• Boneshade
• Death's Web

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Maces [e] Swords

All Unique Maces
Normal, 1H:
• Felloak
• Stoutnail
• Crushflange
• Bloodrise
• The General's Tan Do Li Ga
• Ironstone

Normal, 2H:
• Bonesnap
• Steeldriver

Exceptional, 1H:
• Dark Clan Crusher
• Fleshrender
• Sureshrill Frost
• Moonfall
• Baezil's Vortex
• Earthshaker

Exceptional, 2H:
• Bloodtree Stump
• The Gavel of Pain

Elite, 1H:
• Nord's Tenderizer
• Baranar's Star
• Demon Limb
• Stormlash
• Horizon's Tornado
• Stone Crusher
• Schaefer's Hammer

Elite, 2H:
• Windhammer
• Earth Shifter
• The Cranium Basher

All Unique Swords
Normal, 1H:
• Rixot's Keen
• Blood Crescent
• Skewer of Krintiz
• Gleamscythe
• Griswold's Edge
• Hellplague
• Culwen's Point

Normal, 2H:
• Shadowfang
• Soulflay
• Kinemil's Awl
• Blacktongue
• Ripsaw
• The Patriarch

Exceptional, 1H:
• Bloodletter
• Coldsteel Eye
• Hexfire
• Blade of Ali Baba
• Ginther's Rift
• Headstriker
• Plague Bearer
• The Atlantean

Exceptional, 2H:
• Crainte Vomir
• Bing Sz Wang
• The Vile Husk
• Cloudcrack
• Todesfaelle Flamme
• Swordguard

Elite, 1H:
• Azurewrath
• Bloodmoon
• Djinn Slayer (L)
• Frostwind
• Lightsabre

Elite, 2H:
• Flamebellow
• Doombringer
• The Grandfather

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Amazon [e] Assassin Barbarian Druid Necromancer Paladin Sorceress

Amazon Weapons
• Lycander's Aim
• Titan's Revenge
• Lycander's Flank
• Bloodraven's Charge
• Thunderstroke (L)
• Stoneraven (L)

Assassin Claws
• Bartuc's Cut-Throat
• Firelizard's Talons
• Jade Talon
• Shadow Killer (L)

Barbarian Helms
• Arreat's Face
• Demonhorn's Edge (L)
• Halaberd's Reign
• Wolfhowl

Druid Helms
• Jalal's Mane
• Cerebus' Bite (L)
• Ravenlore
• Spirit Keeper

Necromancer Totems
• Homunculus
• Boneflame
• Darkforce Spawn (L)

Paladin Shields
• Herald of Zakarum
• Alma Negra
• Dragonscale

Sorceress Orbs
• The Oculus
• Death's Fathom (L)
• Eschuta's Temper

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Item Sets General Info -- Set Items Catalog[e]
Diablo II Classic Item Sets Diablo II Expansion Item Sets

• Angelic Raiment
• Arcanna's Tricks
• Arctic Gear
• Berserker's Arsenal
• Cathan's Traps
• Civerb's Vestments
• Cleglaw's Brace
• Death's Disguise

• Hsaru's Defense
• Infernal Tools
• Iratha's Finery
• Isenhart's Armory
• Milabrega's Regalia
• Sigon's Complete Steel
• Tancred's Battlegear
• Vidala's Rig

• Aldur's Watchtower
• Bul-Kathos' Children
• Cow King's Leathers
• Griswold's Legacy
• Heaven's Brethren
• Hwanin's Majesty
• Immortal King
• M'avina's Battle Hymn

• Naj's Ancient Vestige
• Natalya's Odium
• Orphan's Call
• Sander's Folly
• Sazabi's Grand Tribute
• Tal Rasha's Wrappings
• The Disciple
• Trang-Oul's Avatar


Character Level, Experience, and Allocating Stats and Skill Points
When your character earns enough experience points to gain another level, the 'New Stats' and 'New Skill' buttons will appear at the bottom left and right corners of the screen in 640x480 resolution. In 800x600 resolution the buttons will appear on the interface bar. Wait until you're somewhere safe, then click on the buttons to bring up the Character Attributes and Skill Tree screens and allocate your points.

Each time you gain a level, you receive 5 attribute points to distribute among your 4 attributes: Strength, which affects damage; Dexterity, which affects the ability to hit and avoid attacks; Vitality, which affects life; and Energy, which affects mana. Click on the '+' button next to an attribute to increase that attribute.

Each time you gain a level, you can add 1 point to a skill. You can only choose from skills whose level requirements and prerequisites have been met. Click on all three tabs and move your cursor over the available skills (listed in white) to review their detailed effects before you make your decision.

See the experience required for each level here.

What Happens When Your Character Dies?
In Diablo II, as in real life, death is something you should strive to avoid. If your Hit Points drop to zero during the game, you have died.

If you are killed, your character will lose a percentage of the total gold both carried and stored in the Stash. This percentage is equal to your character's level but will not exceed 20%. After this 'death penalty' is deducted, the rest of the gold your character was carrying falls to the ground in a pile. If the penalty exceeds the amount of gold you were carrying, the remainder of the penalty is deducted from your Stash. In Single Player, dying will not take away all your gold. No gold is lost from your Stash, and 500 gold per character level is exempt from the death penalty. For example, if a 10th level Single-Player character with 5,000 gold dies, he will lose no gold.

As an additional death penalty, your character will lose some experience if he dies while in Nightmare or Hell difficulties. You will lose 5% of the experience required to attain the next level on Nightmare and 10% on Hell, but you will never drop down to a lower level. In games of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, if you recover your corpse at the location of its demise, you can regain 75% of the experience points you lost. If, however, you choose to 'Save and Exit' out of your current game in order to restart and recover your body in town, you will not regain any of your lost experience. Nightmare and Hell Difficulty players should ask themselves whether they want to risk losing more experience by attempting to recover their body to regain 75% of their experience. If you die several more times you'll end up losing more experience than you gain by recovering your body. Sometimes it is safer to leave the game to recover your corpse giving up the experience you might have regained by recovering your corpse.

Press the Esc key after dying to restart in town. Your corpse will remain in the place where you died. You will have to return to your corpse in order to retrieve your equipment. When you find your corpse, left-click on it to pick up and re-equip your items (hint: when you are near your corpse, it will appear as a purple 'X' on your Automap). Make sure you have room in your inventory to pick up all the items on your corpse, though -- if you don't, any items you can't hold will remain on your old corpse. Be sure to collect any gold you might have dropped when you died, too.

If your character has no corpse when he dies, one will be created, and your equipped items will remain on that corpse. If your character already has a corpse, another corpse (up to a maximum of 16) will be created and your most recently equipped items will remain with the new corpse. Be careful about equipping valuable equipment when you already have a corpse out in the field, if you exit a realm game with more than one corpse on the ground, only the corpse having the most valuable equipment (gold equivalent value) will be saved. Also, if you die and you already have 16 corpses, your items will fall to the ground, and anyone can take them. Unequipped items, however, will always remain in your inventory.

When you find your corpse, click on it to take all of its equipped items. Only you (and anyone you permit) can loot your corpse.

After re-equipping your items, you might want to confirm that you are using your weapon of choice, and not your 'backup' equipment or some item you accidentally picked up from the area surrounding your corpse.

If you exit a game without retrieving your corpse, one will be placed in town in the next game you create or join.

Diablo 2 White Ring Earrings

NOTE: A 'Hardcore' character cannot be reincarnated if it dies -- you will simply return to chat as a ghost. Hardcore characters cannot create or join games once they have died.

Multiple Corpses/Losing Items!
A player may have up to 16 corpses.

Realm Characters: The corpse with the most gold value (in items) will be saved between games. So keep this in mind when putting on equipment to recover your corpse. Your original body with your equipment should save unless you manage to equip yourself with a greater value of equipment, die, then leave the game.

Open Characters: Only your oldest corpse is saved between games. Make sure you go back and recover your original body with your equipment before leaving the game.

Warning on recovering your corpse
If you needed +Strength or +Dexterity items to equip other weapons or pieces of armor, you may have to re-equip these items manually. When you click on your corpse, the game attempts to re-equip your items to where they were before your death, but this depends largely on the order in which your items are picked up. For example, armor that requires more than your base Strength will not be equipped if the game attempts to place it before placing the item that increased your Strength enough to wear the armor. In this case, the armor will return to your inventory; if you do not have enough room, it will remain on the corpse. Check your inventory and make sure that all of your items have been re-equipped correctly.

Body Count
Having Difficulty recovering your corpse?
If you can't find your corpse, or if it's too dangerous to retrieve it with your current equipment, simply exit and re-enter the game. Your corpse, and all of its items, will appear near your starting point in town. The only drawback is that you will lose any gold your character dropped when he died and you will give up the chance to regain 75% of your lost experience on Nightmare and Hell Difficulty. This is a good option for Nightmare and Hell difficulties, in which death results in lost experience. The corpse will appear at your starting point, typically near the point where Town Portals appear in town: In Lut Gholein, this area is at the bottom right of town. In Kurast, it is next to Meshif. You should be able to find your corpse easily if you explore the town.

Character Saving/Loading and Corpses
Periodically, will automatically save every character playing in every Diablo II game. Your character will also be saved when you choose 'Save and Exit Game' from the 'Esc' menu. If you die and leave a game without retrieving your corpse, it will be placed in town at the beginning of the next game you join or start.

The character save data includes character Attributes, inventory, Skills, Skill hot keys, control configuration, Waypoints activated, the character's corpse (if one exists), the list of completed Quests, and the contents of the character's Stash.

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Unique jewelry can be gambled in Diablo II, except in patch versions 1.07 and 1.08. Different unique rings were added in various patches, as sorted below.

Ring graphics are randomly selected, and do not tie to any particular ring. There are lots more ring graphics found on the game CD, and it's unknown why Blizzard never enabled more of them, or gave any of the unique rings unique artwork.

  • 2Unique Rings
  • 3Unique Rings in D2X Only

Unique Ring Odds[edit]

These apply to v1.10+. Prior to v1.07 in D2C, the three unique rings dropped in a set order. See below for more details.

Unique Rings Qlvl Rarity
Nagelring 10 15
Manald Heal 20 15
Stone of Jordan 39 1
Dwarft Star 53 10
Raven Frost 53 10
Bul Kathos' Wedding Band 66 1
Carrion Wind 68 3
Nature's Peace 77 3
Wisp Projector 84 1
Total: 84+ 59
  • The 'Rarity' odds assume that the monster dropping the ring is capable of dropping every unique ring in the game. Hence, if a monster able to drop the Wisp Projector unique ring, there is a 1/59 chance it will be the Wisp Projector.
  • If the monster's Mlvl isn't high enough to drop some of the rings, the rarity odds change accordingly. For example, an Mlvl 40 monster could only drop the first three rings, so it would have a 15/31 chance to drop Naglering, 15/31 to drop Manald Heal, and 1/31 to drop the Stone of Jordan, vs. the 1/59 chance that a unique ring from an Mlvl 84+ monster will be an SoJ. This is why it's best to hunt for some items (such as the Stone of Jordan) on lower area levels.

Unique Rings[edit]

Rings found in D2C and D2X.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Nagelring * D2C Rarity: 483.9/1000
D2X Rarity: 283/1000
Item level: 10
Clvl req: 7
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage Of 3
+50-75 to Attack Rating
+15-30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Manald Heal * D2C Rarity: 483.9/1000
D2X Rarity: 283/1000
Item level: 20
Clvl req: 15
+4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
+20 to Life
+20% Mana Regeneration Rate
Stone of Jordan D2C Rarity: 32.3/1000
D2X Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 39
Clvl req: 29
+20 Mana
+25% Maximum Mana
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+1 to All Skills

1.08 Statistics[edit]

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Nagelring: Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 2, Attacker Takes Damage Of 3, +15% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
  • Manald Heal: +4% Mana Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +5, +20 to Life

Unique Rings in D2X Only[edit]

Rings found in D2X only, v1.07+.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Dwarf Star * Rarity: 188.7/1000
Item level: 53
Clvl req: 45
+100% Extra Gold From Monsters
+40 to Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
+40 to Life
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 12-15
15% Fire Absorb
Raven Frost * Rarity: 188.7/1000
Item level: 53
Clvl req: 45
Adds 15-45 Cold Damage, 4 seconds cold length
Cannot be Frozen
20% Cold Absorb
+15-20 to Dexterity
+150-250 to Attack Rating
+40 to Mana
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band * Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 66
Clvl req: 58
+0.5 Life per Clvl
+1 to All Skills
+3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 Stamina
The Constricting Ring
Not Enabled. **
Rarity: 18.9/1000
Item level: 95
Clvl req: 95
All Resistances +100
+15% Maximum Resistance To All
-30 Life Drain (-2.93 life/sec)
+100% Better chance of getting magical item

** The Contricting Ring is not and never has been droppable. We have it listed on our Unique Rings page, and the ring's full stats are listed in the game files, but it has a 0, instead of a 1, in the 'completed' column in uniqueitems.txt, the actual game file that sets the properties on Unique items, which makes it undroppable.

1.08 Statistics[edit]

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Dwarf Star: +70% Extra Gold From Monsters, +25 to Maximum Stamina, Heal Stamina Plus 15%, +40 to Life, Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 15
  • Raven Frost: 4% Chance To Cast Slvl 5 Frost Nova When Struck, Cannot Be Frozen, Adds 15-25 Cold Damage, Cold Resist +35%
  • Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band: +20 To Life, +1 to All Skills, +4% Life Stolen Per Hit, +50 Stamina

v1.10 and Later[edit]

Unique rings found in D2X, v1.10+.

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Carrion Wind Item level: 68
Clvl req: 60
+100-160 Defense vs. Missiles
6-9% Life stolen per hit
Poison Resist +55%
10% Chance to cast level 10 Poison Nova when struck
Level 21 Poison Creeper (15 Charges)
8% Chance to cast level 13 Twister on striking
+10% of damage taken goes to mana
Nature's PeaceLadder Only
Item level: 77
Clvl req: 69
Prevent Monster Heal
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace [can't be resurrected/raised/exploded]
Damage Reduced by 7-11
Poison Resist +20-30%
Level 5 Oak Sage (27 Charges)
Wisp Projector Item level: 84
Clvl req: 76
Lightning Absorb 10-20%
10% Chance to cast level 16 Lightning on striking
10-20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 2 Oak Sage (15 Charges)
Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (13 Charges)
Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (11 Charges)

Ring Generation Order in D2C[edit]

In D2C, prior to v1.07, the game always dropped the three unique rings in a preset order:

  • Nagelring > Manald Heal > Stone of Jordan

This meant that if the game generated a Unique ring, from a monster drop or gambling, it would always be a Nagelring, if there was not already a Nagelring in that game (previously dropped or possessed by one of the character). If there was a Nagelring, then a Manald Heal would drop. If both, then a Stone of Jordan would drop. If all three, then the ring would spawn rare instead of unique.

This was easily exploited, and characters soon learned to carry a Manald Heal and Nagelring in their stash, so any new unique rings would drop as the very valuable Stone of Jordan.

Diablo II ItemsItems BasicsUnique Armor IUnique Armor IIUnique Weapons IUnique Weapons IIUnique Weapons IIIUnique Class ItemsItem SetsRunewords
Base Armors and Weapons [e] Runes Socketables Miscellaneous Items Info

• Belts
• Body Armor
• Boots
• Gloves
• Helms
• Circlets
• Shields
• Amulets
• Rings

• Axes
• Bows
• Crossbows
• Daggers
• Javelins
• Maces
• Polearms
• Scepters
• Spears
• Staves
• Swords
• Throwing
• Wands

Class Items
• Ama Weapons
• Asn Claws
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms
• Necro Totems
• Pal Shields
• Sorc Orbs

• Rune list
• Rune FAQ
• Rune hunting
• Runewords

• Modifiers
• Sockets

• Amethyst
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Ruby
• Sapphire
• Topaz
• Skull

Horadric Cube
• Cube Recipes

Crafted Items
• Blood Recipes
• Caster Recipes
• Hitpower Recipes
• Safety Recipes

• Charms Affixes
• Charms Guide

• Item Generation Tutorial
• Treasure Classes
• Magic Find
• Gold Find

• Prefixes
• Suffixes
• Special Modifiers

• Gambling
• Quest Items
• Experience
• Potions
• Books & Scrolls

• El
• Eld
• Tir
• Nef
• Eth
• Ith
• Tal
• Ral
• Ort
• Thul
• Amn

• Sol
• Shael
• Dol
• Hel
• Io
• Lum
• Ko
• Fal
• Lem
• Pul
• Um

• Mal
• Ist
• Gul
• Vex
• Ohm
• Lo
• Sur
• Ber
• Jah
• Cham
• Zod

Belts [e] Body Armor Gloves Helms

All Unique Belts
• Lenymo
• Snakecord
• Nightsmoke
• Goldwrap
• Bladebuckle

• String of Ears
• Razortail
• Gloom's Trap
• Snowclash
• Thundergod's Vigor

• Arachnid Mesh
• Nosferatu's Coil
• Verdungo's Hearty Cord

All Unique Armor
• Greyform
• Blinkbat's Form
• The Centurion
• Twitchthroe
• Darkglow
• Hawkmail
• Venom Ward
• Sparking Mail
• Iceblink
• Heavenly Garb
• Rockfleece
• Boneflesh
• Rattlecage
• Goldskin
• Silks of the Victor

• The Spirit Shroud
• Skin of the Vipermagi
• Skin of the Flayed One
• Iron Pelt
• Crow Caw
• Spirit Forge
• Duriel's Shell
• Shaftstop
• Skullder's Ire
• Que-Hegan's Wisdom
• Toothrow
• Guardian Angel
• Atma's Wail
• Black Hades
• Corpsemourn

• Ormus' Robes
• The Gladiator's Bane
• Arkaine's Valor
• Leviathan (L)
• Steel Carapace
• Templar's Might (L)
• Tyrael's Might (L)

All Unique Gloves
• The Hand of Broc
• Bloodfist
• Chance Guards
• Magefist
• Frostburn

• Venom Grip
• Gravepalm
• Ghoulhide
• Lava Gout
• Hellmouth

• Dracul's Grasp
• Soul Drainer
• Steelrend

All Unique Helms
• Biggin's Bonnet
• Tarnhelm
• Coif of Glory
• Duskdeep
• Wormskull
• Howltusk
• Undead Crown
• The Face of Horror

• Peasant Crown
• Rockstopper
• Stealskull
• Darksight Helm
• Vampire Gaze
• Valkyrie Wing
• Crown of Thieves
• Blackhorn's Face

• Andariel's Visage (L)
• Crown of Ages
• Giant Skull
• Harlequin Crest
• Nightwing's Veil
• Steelshade
• Veil of Steel

• Kira's Guardian (L)
• Griffon's Eye (L)

Class Helms:
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Boots [e] Amulets Rings Shields Miscellaneous

All Unique Boots
• Hotspur
• Gorefoot
• Treads of Cthon
• Goblin Toe
• Tearhaunch

• Infernostride
• Waterwalk
• Silkweave
• War Traveler
• Gore Rider

• Marrowwalk
• Merman's Sprocket
• Sandstorm Trek
• Shadow Dancer (L)

All Unique Amulets
• Nokozan Relic
• The Eye of Etlich
• The Mahim-Oak Curio
• Saracen's Chance
• The Cat's Eye
• The Rising Sun
• Crescent Moon
• Atma's Scarab
• Highlord's Wrath
• Mara's Kaleidoscope
• Seraph's Hymn (L)
• Metalgrid (L)

All Unique Rings
• Nagelring
• Manald Heal
• Stone of Jordan
• Dwarf Star
• Raven Frost
• Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
• Carrion Wind
• Nature's Peace (L)
• Wisp Projector

All Unique Shields
• Pelta Lunata
• Umbral Disk
• Stormguild
• Swordback Hold
• Steelclash
• Wall of the Eyeless
• Bverrit Keep
• The Ward

• Viscerataunt
• Moser's Blessed Circle
• Stormchaser
• Lance Guard
• Tiamat's Rebuke
• Lidless Wall
• Gerke's Sanctuary
• Radament's Sphere

• Blackoak Shield
• Stormshield
• Head Hunter's Glory
• Medusa's Gaze
• Spike Thorn
• Spirit Ward

Class Shields:
• Unique Paladin Shields
• Unique Necro Totems

• Rainbow Facets

All Unique Charms
• Annihilus
• Gheed's Fortune
• Hellfire Torch

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Diablo 2 White Ring Binders

Axes [e] Bows Crossbows Daggers Polearms

All Unique Axes
Normal, one-handed:
• The Gnasher
• Deathspade
• Bladebone
• Skull Splitter
• Rakescar

Exceptional, one-handed:
• Coldkill
• Butcher's Pupil
• Islestrike
• Pompeii's Wrath
• Guardian Naga

Elite, one-handed:
• Cranebeak
• Death Cleaver (L)
• Razor's Edge
• Rune Master (L)

Normal, two-handed:
• Axe of Fechmar
• Goreshovel
• The Chieftain
• Brainhew
• Humongous

Exceptional, two-handed:
• Warlord's Trust
• Spellsteel
• Stormrider
• Boneslayer Blade
• The Minotaur

Elite, two-handed:
• Ethereal Edge
• Executioner's Justice (L)
• Frostwind
• Hellslayer
• Messerschmidt's Reaver

All Unique Bows
• Pluckeye
• Witherstring
• Raven's Claw
• Rogue's Bow
• Stormstrike
• Wizendraw
• Hellclap
• Blastbark

• Skystrike
• Riphook
• Kuko Shakaku
• Endlesshail
• Witchwild String
• Cliffkiller
• Magewrath
• Goldstrike Arch

• Widowmaker (L)
• Eaglehorn
• Windforce

• Amazon Bows

All Unique Crossbows
• Leadcrow
• Ichorsting
• Hellcast
• Doomslinger

• Langer Briser
• Pus Spitter
• Buriza-Do Kyanon
• Demon Machine

• Gut Siphon
• Hellrack

All Unique Daggers
• Gull
• The Diggler
• The Jade Tan Do
• Spectral Shard

• Spineripper
• Heart Carver
• Blackbog's Sharp
• Stormspike

• Fleshripper
• Ghostflame
• Wizardspike

All Unique Polearms
• Dimoak's Hew
• Steelgoad
• Soul Harvest
• The Battlebranch
• Woestave
• The Grim Reaper

• The Meat Scraper
• Blackleach Blade
• Athena's Wrath
• Pierre Tombale Couant
• Husoldal Evo
• Grim's Burning Dead

• Bonehew
• The Reaper's Toll (L)
• Tomb Reaver (L)
• Stormspire

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Scepters [e] Spears Staves Throwing Weapons Wands

All Unique Scepters
• Knell Striker
• Rusthandle
• Stormeye

• Zakarum's Hand
• The Fetid Sprinkler
• Hand of Blessed Light

• Astreon's Iron Ward
• Heaven's Light (L)
• The Redeemer

All Unique Spears
• The Dragon Chang
• Razortine
• Bloodthief
• Lance of Yaggai
• The Tannr Gorerod

• The Impaler
• Kelpie Snare
• Soulfeast Tine
• Hone Sundan
• Spire of Honor

• Arioc's Needle
• Steel Pillar
• Viperfork

• Amazon Spears

All Unique Staves
• Bane Ash
• Serpent Lord
• Spire of Lazarus
• The Salamander
• The Iron Jang Bong

• Razorswitch
• Ribcracker
• Chromatic Ire
• Warpspear
• Skull Collector

• Mang Song's Lesson (L)
• Ondal's Wisdom

All Unique Throwing Weapons
• Deathbit
• The Scalper

• Gimmershred
• Lacerator
• Warshrike (L)

All Unique Javelins
• Demon's Arch
• Wraith Flight (L)
• Gargoyle's Bite

• Amazon Javelins

All Unique Wands
• Torch of Iro
• Maelstrom
• Gravenspine
• Ume's Lament

• Suicide Branch
• Carin Shard
• Arm of King Leoric
• Blackhand Key

• Boneshade
• Death's Web

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Maces [e] Swords

All Unique Maces
Normal, 1H:
• Felloak
• Stoutnail
• Crushflange
• Bloodrise
• The General's Tan Do Li Ga
• Ironstone

Normal, 2H:
• Bonesnap
• Steeldriver

Exceptional, 1H:
• Dark Clan Crusher
• Fleshrender
• Sureshrill Frost
• Moonfall
• Baezil's Vortex
• Earthshaker

Exceptional, 2H:
• Bloodtree Stump
• The Gavel of Pain

Elite, 1H:
• Nord's Tenderizer
• Baranar's Star
• Demon Limb
• Stormlash
• Horizon's Tornado
• Stone Crusher
• Schaefer's Hammer

Elite, 2H:
• Windhammer
• Earth Shifter
• The Cranium Basher

All Unique Swords
Normal, 1H:
• Rixot's Keen
• Blood Crescent
• Skewer of Krintiz
• Gleamscythe
• Griswold's Edge
• Hellplague
• Culwen's Point

Normal, 2H:
• Shadowfang
• Soulflay
• Kinemil's Awl
• Blacktongue
• Ripsaw
• The Patriarch

Exceptional, 1H:
• Bloodletter
• Coldsteel Eye
• Hexfire
• Blade of Ali Baba
• Ginther's Rift
• Headstriker
• Plague Bearer
• The Atlantean

Exceptional, 2H:
• Crainte Vomir
• Bing Sz Wang
• The Vile Husk
• Cloudcrack
• Todesfaelle Flamme
• Swordguard

Elite, 1H:
• Azurewrath
• Bloodmoon
• Djinn Slayer (L)
• Frostwind
• Lightsabre

Elite, 2H:
• Flamebellow
• Doombringer
• The Grandfather

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Amazon [e] Assassin Barbarian Druid Necromancer Paladin Sorceress

Amazon Weapons
• Lycander's Aim
• Titan's Revenge
• Lycander's Flank
• Bloodraven's Charge
• Thunderstroke (L)
• Stoneraven (L)

Assassin Claws
• Bartuc's Cut-Throat
• Firelizard's Talons
• Jade Talon
• Shadow Killer (L)

Barbarian Helms
• Arreat's Face
• Demonhorn's Edge (L)
• Halaberd's Reign
• Wolfhowl

Druid Helms
• Jalal's Mane
• Cerebus' Bite (L)
• Ravenlore
• Spirit Keeper

Necromancer Totems
• Homunculus
• Boneflame
• Darkforce Spawn (L)

Paladin Shields
• Herald of Zakarum
• Alma Negra
• Dragonscale

Sorceress Orbs
• The Oculus
• Death's Fathom (L)
• Eschuta's Temper

(L): These Uniques can only be found by Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Item Sets General Info -- Set Items Catalog[e]
Diablo II Classic Item Sets Diablo II Expansion Item Sets

• Angelic Raiment
• Arcanna's Tricks
• Arctic Gear
• Berserker's Arsenal
• Cathan's Traps
• Civerb's Vestments
• Cleglaw's Brace
• Death's Disguise

• Hsaru's Defense
• Infernal Tools
• Iratha's Finery
• Isenhart's Armory
• Milabrega's Regalia
• Sigon's Complete Steel
• Tancred's Battlegear
• Vidala's Rig

• Aldur's Watchtower
• Bul-Kathos' Children
• Cow King's Leathers
• Griswold's Legacy
• Heaven's Brethren
• Hwanin's Majesty
• Immortal King
• M'avina's Battle Hymn

• Naj's Ancient Vestige
• Natalya's Odium
• Orphan's Call
• Sander's Folly
• Sazabi's Grand Tribute
• Tal Rasha's Wrappings
• The Disciple
• Trang-Oul's Avatar

Runewords - Rune list - Rune FAQ - Rune hunting[e]
Armor RunewordsHelmsShieldsWeapon Runewords

• Bone
• Bramble
• Chains of Honor
• Dragon (L)
• Duress
• Enigma
• Enlightenment
• Fortitude (L)
• Gloom
• Lionheart

• Myth
• Peace
• Principle
• Prudence
• Rain
• Smoke
• Stealth
• Stone
• Treachery
• Wealth

• Delirium
• Dream (L)
• Lore
• Nadir
• Radiance

• Ancient's Pledge
• Dragon
• Dream (L)
• Exile
• Phoenix
• Rhyme
• Sanctuary
• Spirit
• Splendor

• Beast
• Black
• Brand (L)
• Breath of the Dying
• Call to Arms
• Chaos
• Crescent Moon
• Death (L)
• Destruction (L)
• Doom
• Edge (L)
• Eternity
• Faith (L)
• Famine
• Fortitude
• Fury
• Grief (L)

• Hand of Justice
• Harmony (L)
• Heart of the Oak
• Holy Thunder
• Honor
• Ice (L)
• Infinity (L)
• Insight (L)
• King's Grace
• Kingslayer
• Last Wish (L)
• Lawbringer (L)
• Leaf
• Malice
• Melody
• Memory

• Oath (L)
• Obedience (L)
• Passion
• Phoenix (L)
• Pride (L)
• Rift (L)
• Silence
• Spirit (L)
• Steel
• Strength
• Venom
• Voice of Reason (L)
• White
• Wind
• Wrath (L)
• Zephyr

(L): These Runewords can only be created by Realm Ladder characters. SP chars can enable them with the RWM.
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